Posts Tagged ‘safari’

Safari is the new IE 2: Revenge of the Linkbait

The things I write rarely have broad appeal. I tend to write about weird esoteric stuff like IndexedDB and WebSQL, maybe throwing the normals a bone with something about CSS animations. I’m not some kind of thought-leader.

My “Safari is the new IE” article, however, got shared incessantly, was picked up by Ars Technica, and attracted the attention of people a lot smarter than me on both sides of the ensuing debate. Having no less than Don Melton call me out on Twitter has pretty much been the highlight of my career so far. It’s been overwhelming, to say the least.

I thoroughly enjoyed the resulting debate, though, and yes, there are valid arguments on both sides. So I’d like to pick up where I left off, and respond to my detractors while doubling-down on my claim that Safari is acting as an anchor in the web community. I’ll also end on a hopeful note, with some suggestions for reconciliation with Apple.

And since, judging by the response, people tend not to read much further than the first few paragraphs (or even the title!), I’ll keep the most important points up top, so nobody can miss them.

“Linkbait,” Safari != IE, etc.

I wrote that article in a mad rush the morning after I got back from EdgeConf. It was the culmination of a lot of frustration I’ve had with Safari over the past year or so, compounded by the fact that I just got back from a conference where I would have loved to pick the brain of somebody from Apple about it.

To be honest, I penned the whole thing in one go before settling on the title, which was based on something funny Calvin Metcalf had said in a presentation. Yes, the title was snappy, and yes, it was a bit sensational. But hey, nobody would be talking about it if I had called it “Meditations on the uncanny parallels between…” I choose headlines that grab attention; welcome to journalism 101.

So I find the “linkbait” accusations to be a boring argument, because it’s an argument that can be had without discussing the content of the article at all. More interesting were the arguments that the IE analogy is flawed, because Safari doesn’t have anything like ActiveX and Apple didn’t walk away from Safari for 5 years. All very good points. There’s also a case to be made that Android is more reminiscent of the old IE days, what with so many devices frozen in time on ancient versions of WebKit. (Although Lollipop, default Chrome, and Crosswalk have helped a lot lately.)

That being said, my point was to compare Safari to IE in terms of 1) not keeping up with new standards, 2) maintaining a culture of relative secrecy, and 3) playing a monopolistic role, by not allowing other rendering engines on iOS. Those accusations are pretty undeniable.

Web Components, Shadow DOM

I basically pulled these two examples out of a hat, because they were oft-discussed at EdgeConf, but I couldn’t find where Apple had even commented on them. Of course, such information is buried in mailing list discussions where I should have done the research to find it. (“Read the mailing list” is the “RTFM” of the W3C community.)

So yes, it was unfair of me to say that Apple “has shown no public interest” in those specs. I corrected the article and personally apologized to Ryosuke Niwa, who has been very active in the design of Web Components and Shadow DOM. Mea culpa; I made a dumb mistake.

The “user-centric web”

This point was made in a rebuttal article by Rene Ritchie, and although I enjoyed reading it, I don’t find the argument very persuasive. It boils down to a false dichotomy, saying that Apple can either focus on user-facing features (like speed and battery life) or new web APIs, but it can’t do both.

Other browser vendors, though, seem to be able to keep up with Google’s relentless pace (another counterargument), so I don’t understand how Apple, with its heaps of moolah, can’t do the same. And to those saying “it’s not the money, it’s finding the right people,” well, then maybe there’s a valid question about why Apple can’t find enough good browser developers. Something must have driven Google away when they forked WebKit into Blink (taking most of the committers with them), and I wonder if that same thing is keeping away new talent. But that’s a story I suspect only the WebKit/Blink developers really know.

From my own interactions with the WebKit developers, I can only conclude that they are sincere folks who take an extreme pride in their work. However, it’s become clear to me that Apple has different priorities, and that those priorities are limiting the potential of the WebKit team. One need only glance at the Safari 9 release notes to see both a paucity of new features, as well as a focus on proprietary and user-facing features. In terms of standards, a one-year release from Safari is comparable to two releases from Chrome, representing about 3 months of work. That’s a shockingly deep deficit.

(Proprietary or user-facing: force touch events, AirPlay, Picture in Picture, pinned tab icons, secure extensions, shared links, content blocking. Standards: scroll snapping, filters, ES6, unprefixing. Other: responsive design mode, Web Inspector overhaul, SFSafariViewController.)

As for Ritchie’s other argument that Apple is shying away from “native-hopeful” web features that “don’t make sense,” given the miraculous speed boosts that both WebKit and Chrome have demonstrated recently, I doubt anyone on either team actually shares that opinion. The web can reach 60 FPS, and where it can’t, that’s an argument for more progress in the web, not less.

IndexedDB, my idée fixe

Since nobody else brought this up, I’ll offer what I think is the best counterpoint to my article. What I basically did was take Apple’s utter bungling of IndexedDB, add in their lack of clear signals and iron grip on iOS, and extrapolate that Safari is dragging us back into some kind of new web Dark Ages. Okay! It sounds a bit hyperbolic, I’ll agree.

However, you’ll have to forgive me if I fixate on IndexedDB. While CSS features like scroll snap points and position:sticky are nice, I happen to think the thing that stores user data is pretty damned important. Imagine writing an iOS/Android app without SQLite/CoreData, and you’ll understand how badly web devs need consistent IndexedDB support. The fact that Apple messed it up so catastrophically shows a carelessness in their approach to the new, “appy” web.

Of course, that statement exposes my own bias in this debate, which I’ll gladly divulge. Namely: I’m an Android developer who’s tired of writing apps for a single platform, and wants webapps that can compete with native apps. That’s why I contribute to PouchDB – because although the IndexedDB spec is 5 years old, you still need a mountain of shims to get anything done with it. It’s a nasty situation, but PouchDB makes it bearable.

Even with tools like PouchDB, though, it’s still maddeningly difficult for web developers to create anything resembling a native app. And for that, the blame usually falls square on Safari, and especially mobile Safari. For instance, when PouchDB users ask me how much data they can store on iOS, and they find out it’s capped at 50MB with a modal popup after 5MB, they often say, “Thanks, but I’ll write a native app instead.” Yet when I complain about this stuff to Apple, they mostly shrug their shoulders.

Working on mobile webapps, I often find myself reaching for Safari polyfills (e.g. FastClick, which I cannot believe we still need), or relying on years-old standards that are in sore need of a replacement (WebSQL, AppCache, touch icons). Whereas at the same time, I’m seeing constant innovation from other browsers to improve the state of the “appy” web: Service Worker from Google, pointer events from Microsoft, and just about everything Mozilla has done on Firefox OS.

Gestures (touch-action). Vibration API. Ambient Light API. WebRTC (or Microsoft’s version). Device Orientation API. Permissions API. There’s a laundry list of things that would make my life easier as a webapp developer, and the one unifying feature is that their CanIUse page has two big red columns under “iOS” and “Safari.” You can add Web Manifests and Push API if you want to talk about stuff that’s still in the planning phase (not by Apple, though).

So yeah, by the raw HTML5Test numbers, Safari isn’t so far behind. But in the stuff that matters to me as a mobile and webapp developer, they’ve got a lot of catching up to do. And based on their priorities and release cycle, I’m not confident that they’re even keeping pace.

Engaging the community

The response to my article from web developers has been telling. Amidst all the “hear hear”s and their own tales of woe with Safari, you could detect that web developers just have an intense distrust of Apple. It’s revealing how quickly they started a petition against Apple, which to be honest made me kinda uncomfortable.

Let’s explore those feelings a bit, though. Why are web developers so wary of Apple? I have my own answer, and it touches on some of the most important points I raised in the article.

The web is increasingly becoming an open community. JavaScript is the most popular language on Github, and web developers are drowning in conferences, meetups, and hackathons. I regularly attend several meetups in New York City, many of which did not even exist a year ago. There are so many of these things nowadays, I can attend nearly one a week.

Through these community events and my activity on Github, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and collaborating with people from Mozilla, Microsoft, and Google. Sometimes they’ve even come out of the blue to propose a pull request to PouchDB, or ask for feedback on IndexedDB. And yet, I’ve never once seen an Apple employee at any of these events, nor have I ever worked with any of them on an open-source project. My sole interaction with Apple has been through their bugtracker (or on Twitter, poking them to look at their bugtracker).

With even Microsoft being all chummy these days, the web has become an open party, but Apple is frequently tossing their invitation in the trash. This extends beyond the official discussions in the W3C mailing lists. As IE engineer Jacob Rossi put it, conferences like EdgeConf are “a crucial part of participating in standards.” As with any human endeavor, some of the most important discussions about the web platform are happening in hallways, at restaurants, and in face-to-face meetings. Apple can’t complain about getting cut out of the standards process, if they won’t even show up to join the conversation.

Apple’s lack of engagement with the broader web community has also been damaging to their reputation. By not making the effort to attend meetups, write blog posts, or set up forums for feedback, it’s no wonder developers are left with the impression that Apple doesn’t care about the web. Even just sending a developer evangelist to a few meetups to smile, nod, and answer questions politely would do wonders for their public perception.

Furthermore, Apple’s lack of boots on the ground at everyday developer soirées means that they’re increasingly out of touch with what developers want from the web platform. The fact that so many meetups and conferences have sprung up recently, and the fact that the web is fast becoming the world’s most advanced cross-platform application runtime are not isolated incidents. Developers like myself are getting excited about the web precisely because it’s supplanting all the old application paradigms. But as I pointed out above, the “appy” aspects of the web are exactly where Safari tends to falter.


Personally what I want out of this whole debate is for Apple to realize that the web is starting to move on without them, and that their weird isolationism and glacial release cycle are not going to win them any favors in this new, dynamic web community. I don’t even want them to open up iOS to other browsers nearly as much as I want them to just start coming to events and talking with web developers. Once they hear our gripes and see the frustration in our eyes as we describe how much we’ve struggled to support their browser, I think they’ll be motivated by empathy alone to start fixing these problems.

I do regret the generalizations and errata in my original post. However, I don’t regret starting the debate, because clearly I’ve touched a nerve at Apple, while casting a light on the widening divide between them and the rest of the web community. Maybe a harsh diatribe is exactly what Apple needs to shake them out of their complacency, even if it loses me a few friends in Cupertino.

So what I’m saying is this: next time I’m at a conference, I hope someone from Apple comes up to me, takes off a glove, and slaps me right in the face. Number one, because I kinda deserve it for being a jerk to them, and number two, because that would mean they’re finally coming to conferences.

Thanks to Jan Lehnardt, Chris Gullian, and Dale Harvey for reviewing a draft of this post.

Web SQL Database: In Memoriam

All signs seem to indicate that Apple will finally ship IndexedDB in Safari 7.1 sometime this year. This means that Safari, the last holdout against IndexedDB, will finally relent to the inevitable victory of HTML5’s new, new storage engine.

So I thought this would be a good time to hold a wake for Web SQL – that much maligned, much misunderstood also-ran that still proudly ships in Safari, Chrome, Opera, iOS, and every version of Android since 2.0.

Often in the tech industry we’re too quick to eviscerate some recently-obsoleted technology (Flash, SVN, Perl), because, as with politics and religion, nothing needs discrediting so much as the most recently reigning zeitgeist. Web SQL deserves better than that, though, so I’m here to give it its dues.

openDatabase('mydatabase', 1, 'mydatabase', 5000000, function (db) {
  db.transaction(function (tx) {
    tx.executeSql('create table rainstorms (mood text, severity int)', 
        [], function () {
      tx.executeSql('insert into rainstorms values (?, ?)', 
          ['somber', 6], function () {
        tx.executeSql('select * from rainstorms where mood = ?', 
            ['somber'], function (tx, res) {
          var row = res.rows.item(0);
          console.log('rainstorm severity: ' + row.severity + 
              ',  my mood: ' + row.mood);
  }, function (err) { 
    console.log('boo, transaction failed!: ' + err); 
  }, function () {
    console.log('yay, transaction succeeded!');

The gist of the story is this: in 2009 or so, native iOS and Android apps were starting to give the web a run for its money, and one area where the W3C recognized some room for improvement was in client-side storage. So Apple and Google hacked up the Web SQL Database API, which basically acknowledged that SQLite was great, mobile devs on iOS and Android loved it, and so both companies were happy to ship it in their browsers [1].

However, Microsoft and (especially) Mozilla balked, countering that the SQL language is not really a standard, and having one implementation in WebKit didn’t meet the “independent implementations” requirement necessary to be considered a serious spec.

So by 2010, Web SQL was abandoned in favor of IndexedDB, which is a document store that can be thought of as the NoSQL answer to Web SQL. It was designed by Nikunj Mehta at Oracle (of all places), and by 2014 every major browser, including IE 10 and Android 4.4, has shipped a version of IndexedDB, with Safari expected to join later this year.

As a rank-and-file developer, though, who’s worked with both Web SQL and IndexedDB, I can’t shake the feeling that the W3C made the wrong choice here. Let’s remember what Web SQL actually gave us:

  • SQLite in the browser. Seriously, right down to the sqlite_master table, fts indexes for full-text search, and the idiosyncratic type system. The only thing you didn’t get were PRAGMA commands – other than that, you still had transactions, joins, binary blobs, regexes, you name it.
  • 5MB of storage by default, up to 50MB or more depending on the platform, to be confirmed by the user with a popup window at various increments.
  • The ability to easily hook into the native mobile SQLite databases, e.g. using the SQLite plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap.
  • A high-level, performant API based on an expressive language most everybody knows (SQL).
  • A database which had already been battle-tested on mobile devices, i.e. the place where performance matters.
  • A database which, let’s not forget, is also open-source.

Now what we have instead is IndexedDB, which basically lets you store key/value pairs, where the values are JavaScript object literals and the keys can be one or more fields from within that object. It supports gets, puts, deletes, and iteration. In Chrome it’s built on Google’s LevelDB, whereas in Firefox it’s actually backed by SQLite. In IE, who knows.

Enough has been written already about the failure of IndexedDB to capture the hearts of developers. And the API certainly won’t win any beauty contests: = function() {
  var version = 1;
  var request ="todos", version);

  // We can only create Object stores in a versionchange transaction.
  request.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
    var db =;

    // A versionchange transaction is started automatically. = html5rocks.indexedDB.onerror;

    if(db.objectStoreNames.contains("todo")) {

    var store = db.createObjectStore("todo",
      {keyPath: "timeStamp"});

  request.onsuccess = function(e) {
    html5rocks.indexedDB.db =;

  request.onerror = html5rocks.indexedDB.onerror;

Instead of retreading the same old ground, though, I’d like to give my own spin on the broken promises of IndexedDB, as well as acknowledge where it has succeeded.

The death of Web SQL: a play in 1 act

To understand the context of how IndexedDB won out over Web SQL, let’s flash back to 2009. Normally you’d need sleuthing skills to solve a murder mystery, but luckily for us the W3C does everything out in the open, so the whole story is publicly available on the Internet.

The best sources I’ve found are this IRC log from late 2009, the corresponding minutes, the surprisingly heated follow-up thread, and Mozilla’s June 2010 blog post acting as the final nail in the coffin [3].

Here’s my retelling of what went down, starting with the 2009 IRC log:


Six houses, all alike in dignity,
In fair IRC, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From Oracle, that SQL seer of IndexedDB,
To Google, the stronghold of search,
We add Mozilla, the Web SQL killa,
And Apple, peering from its mobile perch.
Here, a storage war would set keys to clack,
Tongues to wag, and specs to shatter, 
There was also Microsoft and Opera,
Who don't really seem to matter.


NIKUNJ MEHTA, of House ORACLE, an instigator
JONAS SICKING, of House MOZILLA, an assassin
MACIEJ STACHOWIAK, of House APPLE, a pugilist
IAN FETTE, of House GOOGLE, a pleader


SCENE: A dark and gloomy day in Mountain View, or
perhaps a bright and cheery one, depending on your 
IRC client's color scheme.

OK, enough joking around. Let’s let the players tell the story in their own words. I’ll try not to editorialize too much [2].

Jonas Sicking (Mozilla):

we’ve had a lot of discussions
primarily with MS and Oracle, Oracle stands behind Nikunj
we’ve talked to a lot of developers
the feedback we got is that we really don’t want SQL

Ian Fette (Google):

We’ve implemented WebDB, we’re about to ship it

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

We’ve implemented WebDB and have been shipping it for some time
it’s shipping in Safari

(At the time, Web SQL was called “Web DB,” and IndexedDB was called “Web Simple DB,” or just “Nikunj.”)

So basically, Sicking (of Mozilla) throws down the gauntlet: users don’t want SQL, and the solution proposed by Nikunj Mehta is backed by all three of Oracle, Microsoft, and Mozilla. Fette (of Google) and Stachowiak (of Apple) respond huffily that they’re already shipping Web SQL.

Ian Fette (Google):

we’re also interested in the Nikunj One

Fette makes a concession here. Recall that Google was quick to implement both Web SQL and IndexedDB, at least in Chrome. The Android stock browser/WebView didn’t get IndexedDB until version 4.4.

Ian Fette (Google):

the Chrome implementation shares some but not quite all of the code
beside shipping it, web sites have versions that target the iPhone and use it
we can’t easily drop it in the near future for that reason

However, Google doesn’t want to stop shipping Web SQL: that genie’s already out of the bottle, and web sites are already using it.

Later on they discuss LocalStorage. This is an interesting part of the conversation: it’s acknowledged that LocalStorage is limited because it’s synchronous only. It’s suggested that instead of IndexedDB, they could simply extend LocalStorage, but nobody bites on that proposal.

Jeremy Orlow (Google):

Google is not happy with the various proposals

Adrian Bateman (Microsoft):

Microsoft’s position is that WebSimpleDB is what we’d like to see
we don’t think we’ll reasonably be able to ship an interoperable version of WebDB
trying to arrive at an interoperable version of SQL will be too hard

Here we arrive at one of the best arguments against Web SQL: creating a separate implementation to match the WebKit version would just be too hard – Microsoft and Mozilla would have to rewrite SQLite itself, with all its funky idiosyncrasies, or just include it wholesale, in which case it’s not an independent implementation.

Chris Wilson (Microsoft):

it seems with multiple interoperable implementations
that you can’t really call it stillborn
when we started looking at WebDB
the reason we liked Nikunj was that it doesn’t impose
but it has the power
the part that concerned us with WebDB is that it presupposes SQLite
we’re not really sure

Ivan Herman (W3C):

all the browsers shipping WebDB are WebKit based
proposal: we move WebDB to, and we kill it as a deliverable from this group

Charles C. McCathieNevile (Opera):

I think we’re likely to ship it

At this point, it’s pretty much taken for granted that Web SQL will be dropped from the HTML5 spec. The only thing they’re deciding now is whether to give it to a nice farm family upstate, or take it out back and shoot it.

Google won’t let it go, though. And several times, the speakers are even reminded that they’ve run out of time for discussion of web storage. Google makes the case for full-text search:

Sam Ruby (Apache):

Apple and Google have expressed an interest in added full text search to the api we’ve used

Jeremy Orlow (Google):

that’s extremely important to Google too

Ian Fette (Google):

To use this for gmail we have to be able to do fulltext and we don’t think we can do that performant in JS so we would like native code to do that.

Nikunj Mehta (Oracle):

In some discussions we can provide keyword/context, but fulltext incoroprates some more concepts that can get hairy in different languages. It should perform aequately with a qiuck index.

Spec was originally written on berkeleyDB which had no way to retrieve object based on key index. had a way to join dbs but we added a way to lookup an object from the index and treating the indices, and use of joins dropped.

So Google was really adamant that they needed full-text search for Gmail, but nobody else besides Apple was convinced.

Here’s an interesting experiment: open up Gmail in Chrome, and set your developer tools to emulate a mobile device, say the Nexus 4. Perform a search, and then check out the Resources tab to see if Google is doing anything interesting with storage.

Gmail uses Web SQL

Gmail client storage on mobile browsers.

If you’re not sure what you’re looking at, I’ll let you in on the secret: that’s a virtual table, created with the full-text search (FTS) capabilities of SQLite. Note that IndexedDB is not being used at all. And if you use desktop Gmail, neither database is used.

So clearly, Google has already voted with their code to support Web SQL, at least on mobile.

Correction: it turns out that’s not actually a FTS table – it’s just a regular table with some fancy triggers. Queries are cached, but they’re not actually run on the client. Still, FTS is indeed possible in Web SQL, and I think my point about Google preferring Web SQL over IndexedDB still stands.

Back to the IRC log:

Jeremy Orlow (Google):

In Gmail example, if you are searching for a to and from address you might have zillions of addresses so it might be a big burden on the system

Ian Fette (Google):

In terms of the world, Mozilla won’t implement WebDB, and we want to get Gmail working with a DB and there are others who want to get apps working. Plus or minus some detail, it seems Web Simple Database can do taht

Famous last words. It’s five years later, and clearly Google still doesn’t think IndexedDB is ready for primetime, at least in Gmail. Maybe IndexedDB v2 will save the day, though: the working draft contains a proposal for FTS, among other goodies.

The email follow-up: shots fired

After the 2009 meeting, there’s this follow-up email thread, which makes for great reading if you want to see what a W3C fist fight looks like. Curiously, nobody at Google joins in the fray, and we have only Stachowiak at Apple rising to Web SQL’s defense:

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

We actually have a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem here. Hixie has
said before he’s willing to fully spec the SQL dialect used by Web
Database. But since Mozilla categorically refuses to implement the
spec (apparently regardless of whether the SQL dialect is specified),
he doesn’t want to put in the work since it would be a comparatively
poor use of time.

Great point. It’s a little disingenuous of Mozilla to cite their own non-participation as a lack of independent implementations.

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

At the face-to-face, Mozilla representatives said that most if not all of the developers they spoke to said they wanted “anything but SQL” in a storage solution. This clashes with our experience at Apple, where we have been shipping Web Database for nearly two years now, and where we have seen a number of actual Web applications deployed using it (mostly targeting iPhone).

To me, this argument is so obvious it’s heartbreaking: SQL is a very newbie-friendly language, and iOS (and Android) developers are already familiar with SQLite. So why fix what ain’t broke?

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

It seems pretty clear to me that, even if we provide Web SimpleDB as an alternative, our mobile-focused developers will continue to use theSQL database. First, they will not see a compelling reason to change. Second, SimpleDB seems to require more code to perform even simple tasks (comparing the parallel examples in the two specs) and seems to be designed to require a JS library to be layered on top to work well. For our mobile developers, total code size is at a premium. They seem less willing than desktop-focused Web developers to ship large JS libraries, and have typically used mobile-specific JS libraries or aggressively pruned versions of full JS libraries.

An excellent point, and the Gmail example shows that this prediction has been borne out in practice. Jonas Sicking responds:

Jonas Sicking (Mozilla):

If we do specify a specific SQL dialect, that leaves us having to implement it. It’s very unlikely that the dialect would be compatible with SQLite (especially given that SQLite uses a fairly unusual SQL dialect with regards to datatypes) which likely leaves us implementing our own SQL engine.

I definitely agree that we don’t want a solution that punishes the mobile market. I think the way to do that is to ensure that SimpleDB is useful even for mobile platforms.

Sicking is right about the difficulty that Mozilla faces here, but in hindsight he was a little optimistic about IndexedDB on mobile. HTML5 is only now starting to catch up to native apps in terms of performance, while big players like Facebook have stopped betting on it entirely.

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

> Indeed. I still personally wouldn’t call it multiple independent
> implementations though.

Would you call multiple implementations that use the standard C library independent? Obviously there’s a judgment call to be made here. I realize that in this case a database implementation is a pretty key piece of the problem. But I also think it would be more fruitful for you to promote solutions you do like, than to try to find lawyerly reasons to stop the advancement of specs you don’t (when the later have been implemented and shipped and likely will see more implementations).

Stachowiak is clearly bitter that Web SQL got rejected for what he cites as “lawyerly” reasons. He continues:

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

I don’t think SimpleDB is useless for mobile platforms. You certainly *could* use it. But it does have three significant downsides compared to the SQL database: (1) it’s very different from what developers have already (happily) been using on mobile; (2) the target design point is that it’s primarily expected to be used through JavaScript libraries layered on top, and not directly (so you have to ship more code over the wire); and (3) for more complex queries, more of the work has to be done in JavaScript instead of in the database engine (so performance will likely be poor on low-power CPUs). For these reasons, I expect a lot of mobile developers will stick with the SQL database, even if we also provide something else.

Sicking had admitted earlier that he was “… not experienced enough to articulate all of the reasons well enough.” So after this onslaught from Stachowiak, another Mozilla employee, Robert O’Callahan, rushes to his colleague’s aid:

Robert O’Callahan (Mozilla):

> Would you call multiple implementations that use the standard C library
> independent? Obviously there’s a judgment call to be made here.

Yes. Multiple implementations passing query strings (more or less) verbatim to SQLite for parsing and interpretation would not pass that judgement call… IMHO, but wouldn’t you agree?

I think the problem is rather coming up with a SQL definition that can be implemented by anything other than SQLite (or from scratch, of course). One weird thing about SQLite is that column types aren’t enforced. So either the spec requires something like SQLite’s “type affinity” (in which case it doesn’t fit well with most other SQL implementations, and precludes common performance optimizations), or it requires strict type checking (which perhaps you could implement in SQLite by adding CHECK constraints?). But the latter course is probably incompatible with deployed content, so contrary to Jonas I expect the spec would be implementable *only* on top of SQLite (or from scratch, of course), or perhaps some unnatural embedding into other engines where all values are text or variants. Experience with alternative implementations would be important.

All valid points. SQLite has its own quirks, and Web SQL is basically a thin layer over SQLite. Although Stachowiak does point out later that “WebKit has around 15k lines of code which implement asynchronicity, do checking and rewrites on the queries, export DOM APIs, manage transactions, expose result sets, etc.”

O’Callahan continues:

Robert O’Callahan (Mozilla):

Do you have easy access to knowledge about the sort of complex queries these mobile apps do? That would be very useful.

To Apple’s discredit, such data was never provided (as far as I know). Although again, the example with Gmail is pretty instructive here.

Robert O’Callahan (Mozilla):

We already ship SQLite and implementing Web Database using SQLite would definitely be the path of least resistance for us. We’re just concerned it might not be the right thing for the Web.

This, of course, is why Mozilla is awesome. Whatever the advantages of Web SQL may have been, you can’t say that Mozilla didn’t have the best interests of the web in mind when they killed it.

Stachowiak counters somewhat weakly, ceding to most of O’Callahan’s points, but taking up the utilitarian argument that Web SQL is better for developers:

Maciej Stachowiak (Apple):

It seems that a database layer with a good amount of high-level concepts (including some kind of query language) is likely to be easier to code against directly for many use cases. Thus, application programmers, particularly in environments where extra abstraction layers are particularly costly

[Furthermore,] some mobile web developers have existing investment in SQL in particular, and do not appear to have had problems with it as a model. It would be a shame to abandon them, as in many ways they have been better pioneers of offline Web apps than mainline desktop-focused Web developers.

It seems plausible to me that SQL is not the best solution for all storage use cases. But it seems like a pretty aggressive position to say that, as a result, it should be out of the Web platform (and not just augmented by other facilities). It seems like that would underserve other use cases

Smelling blood, O’Callahan moves in for the kill:

Robert O’Callahan (Mozilla):

> Thus, it did not seem there would be a practical benefit to
> specifying the SQL dialect. Thus, those present said they were satisfied to
> specify that SQLite v3 is the dialect.

What exactly does that mean? Is it a specific version of SQLite? Almost every SQLite release, even point releases, adds features.

The fact that SQLite bundles new features, bug fixes and performance improvements together into almost every release makes it especially difficult to build a consistent Web API on. Have you frozen your SQLite import to a particular version? Or do you limit the SQLite dialect by parsing and validating queries? Or do you allow the dialect to change regularly as you update your SQLite import?

I thought there was a consensus that pointing to a pile of C code isn’t a good way to set standards for the Web. That’s why we write specs, and require independent implementations so we’re not even accidentally relying on a specific pile of C code. This seems to be a departure from that.

Another great point from O’Callahan. I recall writing a Cordova app where I actually had to fetch the SQLite version from the sqlite_master table, in order to figure out what features of FTS were supported. It wasn’t pretty. (Although, to be fair, we web developers are no strangers to such hacks; just take a look at the jQuery source code some time.)

There’s a little more back-and-forth in the thread, and Charles McCathieNevile (of Opera) jumps in to mediate a bit. They discuss performance, and whether any guarantees can be made about the big-O performance of IndexedDB. Ultimately, Nikunj Mehta has the last word:

Nikunj Mehta (Oracle):

WebSimpleDB will always remain easy and good to use directly, even though it will also support those who want to use libraries on top. Whether people would still prefer to use libraries or not, will depend on their use case. Specific use cases would help to find a more objective solution to your issue.

So here we arrive at a major selling point of IndexedDB: it’s low-level – much, much lower than SQL – so it’s not designed to be used directly by developers. In fact, I tend of think of IndexedDB as a thin transactional layer over LevelDB (on Chrome, anyway), which itself is best described as a tool for building databases rather than a database itself.

Also, from working on PouchDB, where we support all three of Web SQL, IndexedDB, and LevelDB, I can confirm that the first is the easiest to work with, and the last is the hardest. IndexedDB is definitely a far cry from raw LevelDB, but it has nothing close to the flexibility provided by Web SQL’s diverse toolkit. (Disclaimer: the other authors may disagree.)

Broken promises of IndexedDB: did library authors fill the gap?

So let’s return to Mehta’s original point: IndexedDB was designed to be low-level enough that the void could be filled by JavaScript libraries. In the same way that nobody uses the native XMLHttpRequest or DOM APIs ever since jQuery came along, the assumption was that library authors would pick up the slack for IndexedDB’s cumbersome API.

And although I count myself as a member of that cohort (hint, hint: try PouchDB), with the benefit of hindsight I’d like to evaluate how well that plan has played out:

  • To date, there are plenty of libraries built on top of IndexedDB/WebSQL, although none has achieved jQuery-like dominance yet. (Maybe PouchDB will.)
  • On the other hand, native apps continue to trounce web apps on mobile.
  • Meanwhile, Google and (especially) Apple have dragged their feet on IndexedDB, slowing its adoption on mobile devices.
  • Although arguably, they had no choice, given the performance needs of mobile devices. One of the downsides of a low-level JavaScript API is that the rest has to be implemented in, well, JavaScript, which tends to be slower than native C code. Unsurprisingly, in our performance tests with PouchDB, we’ve found that the Web SQL backend is nearly always faster than the IndexedDB backend, sometimes by a decimal order of magnitude.

My own take on IndexedDB

I have a few personal theories as to why IndexedDB still hasn’t really taken off, and they mostly circle back to the same points made by Stachowiak and Fette five years ago.

First off, it’s hard to get developers to care about offline functionality for any platform other than mobile – you just don’t have the same problems with poor performance and spotty Internet connections. And on mobile devices, Web SQL is king (sorry Windows Phone), meaning that in practice mobile devs can just forget that IndexedDB exists.

Secondly, IndexedDB doesn’t offer much beyond what you can already get with LocalStorage, and its API is a lot tougher to understand. It’s asynchronous, which is already a challenge for less experienced developers. And if you don’t need to do any fancy pagination, then usually a plain old localStorage.get()/localStorage.put() along with some JSON parsing/serializing will serve you just fine.

Compare this with the Web SQL database, which is also asynchronous, but which provides a fluent query language and a bevy of additional features, one of the most underrated of which is full-text search. Just think about what a client-side search engine with support for tokenization and stemming (the Porter stemmer is baked right in!) could do for your app’s comboboxes, and then compare that with IndexedDB’s meager offerings.

Another theory is that Apple’s criticisms of IndexedDB became a self-fulfilling prophesy. Clearly they’ve put more effort into Web SQL than IndexedDB, the spec be damned, and by failing to implement IndexedDB in Safari and iOS, they’ve probably stunted its growth by years.

Finally, it’s worth acknowledging that IndexedDB is just a crummy API. If you look at the HTML5 Rocks example and don’t start having flashbacks to xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() ..., then you haven’t been doing web dev for very long.

However, nobody wants to have to resort to a third-party wrapper unless it offers the kinds of benefits that jQuery gave us over the DOM – interoperability, robustness, and an API that’s so convenient and understandable that a generation of web developers probably believes the $ is just a part of the language.

PouchDB: the jQuery of databases

Of course, this is exactly the problem we’re trying to solve with PouchDB. (I know, here comes the shameless plug.) PouchDB isn’t just a great tool for syncing data between JavaScript environments and CouchDB; it’s also a general-purpose storage API designed to work well regardless of the browser it’s running in. Think of it as jQuery for databases.

Currently, PouchDB falls back to Web SQL on browsers that don’t support IndexedDB, and it can fall back to a remote CouchDB on browsers that don’t support either. In the future, we’ll also support LocalStorage and a simple in-memory store, which will basically extend our reach everywhere, and give developers a drop-in database that “just works.”

Of course, we also do a lot of magic under the hood to work around browser bugs, in both Web SQL and IndexedDB. And there are a lot of bugs – enough for a whole other blog post. So that’s another way that we’re like jQuery.

Mostly, though, we’re just trying to move HTML5 storage forward, and to fulfill the original vision of web developers having access to neat JavaScript libraries built on top of IndexedDB. If PouchDB (or some similar library) manages to achieve mainstream success, then Nikunj Mehta will be vindicated, regardless of how developers feel about IndexedDB itself.


Web SQL will probably never truly die. Google and Apple are invested enough that they can’t remove it from their browsers without breaking thousands of mobile apps and web sites (including their own).

And when I write web apps, I tend to care enough about mobile performance that, until IndexedDB catches up, I’ll probably continue giving a nod to Web SQL with code like this:

var pouch = new PouchDB('mydb', {adapter: 'websql'});
if (!pouch.adapter) { // fall back to IndexedDB
  pouch = new PouchDB('mydb');

Web SQL, I salute you. You’re no longer in our hearts, but you’ll remain in our pockets for years to come.

Disclaimer: I apologize if I’ve misquoted anyone or taken what they said out of context. Please feel free to rip me a new one in the comments, on Twitter, or on Hacker News.


[1]: In fact, Web SQL had been shipping in Safari since 2007. Presumably they wanted to test it out in the wild before committing to a formal spec.

[2]: I editorialize a lot.

[3]: I’m skipping some details of the story; Web SQL certainly wasn’t killed in a day. The criticisms of Web SQL, especially the “SQLite is not a standard” part, can be traced back to an April 2009 blog post and email by Vladimir Vukicevic of Mozilla. The conclusion reached by both Stachowiak and Sicking at the end of that thread was, to quote Stachowiak, that “the best path forward is to spec a particular SQL dialect, even though that task may be boring and unpleasant and not as fun as inventing a new kind of database.” Nikunj Mehta disagreed, and then went on to invent a new kind of database.