Moving on from Microsoft

When I first joined Microsoft, I wrote an idealistic blog post describing the web as a public good, one that I hoped to serve by working for a browser vendor. I still believe in that vision of the web: it’s the freest platform on earth, it’s not totally dominated by any one entity, and it provides both users and developers with a degree of control that isn’t really available in the walled-garden app models of iOS, Android, etc.

Plaque saying "this is for everyone", dedicated, to Tim Berners-Lee

“This is for everyone”, a tribute to the web and Tim Berners-Lee (source)

After joining Microsoft, I continued to be blown away by the dedication and passion of those working on the Edge browser, many of whom shared my feelings about the open web. There were folks who were ex-Mozilla, ex-Opera, ex-Google, ex-Samsung – basically ex-AnyBrowserVendor. There were also plenty of Microsoft veterans who took their expertise in Windows, the CLR, and other Microsoft technologies and applied it with gusto to the unique challenges of the web.

It was fascinating to see so many people from so many different backgrounds working on something as enormously complex as a browser, and collaborating with like-minded folks at other browser vendors in the open forums of the W3C, TC39, WHATWG, and other standards bodies. Getting a peek behind the curtain at how the web “sausage” is made was a unique experience, and one that I cherish.

I’m also proud of the work I accomplished during my tenure at Microsoft. I wrote a blog post on how browser scrolling works, which not only provided a comprehensive overview for web developers, but I suspect may have even spurred Mozilla to up their scrolling game. (Congrats to Firefox for becoming the first browser to support asynchronous keyboard scrolling!)

I also did some work on the Intersection Observer spec, which I became interested in after discovering some cross-browser incompatibilities prompted by a bug in Mastodon. This was exactly the kind of thing I wanted to do for the web:

  1. Find a browser bug while working on an open-source project.
  2. Rather than just work around the bug, actually fix the browsers!
  3. Discuss the problem with the spec owners at other browser vendors.
  4. Submit the fixes to the spec and the web platform tests.

I didn’t do as much spec work as I would have liked (in particular, as a member of the Web Performance Working Group), but I am happy with the small contributions I managed to make.

While at Microsoft, I was also given the opportunity to speak at several conferences, an experience I found exhilarating if not a bit exhausting. (Eight talks in one year was perhaps too ambitious of me!) Overall, though, being a public speaker was a part of the browser gig that I thoroughly enjoyed, and the friendships I made with other conference attendees will surely linger in my mind long after I’ve forgotten whatever it was I gave a talk about. (Thankfully, though, there are always the videos!)

Photo of me delivering the talk "Solving the web performance crisis", a talk I gave on web performance

“Solving the web performance crisis,” a talk I gave on JavaScript performance (video link)

I also wrote a blog post on input responsiveness, which later inspired a post on JavaScript timers. It’s amazing how much you can learn about how a browser works by (wait for it) working on a browser! During my first year at Microsoft, I found myself steeped in discussions about the HTML5 event loop, Promises, setTimeout, setImmediate, and all the other wonderful ways of scheduling things on the web, because at the time we were knee-deep in rewriting the EdgeHTML event loop to improve performance and reliability.

Some of this work was even paralleled by other browser vendors, as shown in this blog post by Ben Kelly about Firefox 52. I fondly recall Ben and me swapping some benchmarks at a TPAC meeting. (When you get into the nitty-gritty of this stuff, sometimes it feels like other browser vendors are the only ones who really understand what you’re going through!)

I also did some work internal to Microsoft that I believe had a positive impact. In short, I met with lots of web teams and coached them on performance – walking through traces of Edge, IE, and Chrome – and helped them improve performance of their site across all browsers. Most of this coaching involved Windows Performance Analyzer, which is a surprisingly powerful tool despite being somewhat under-documented. (Although this post by my colleague Todd Reifsteck goes a long way toward demystifying some of the trickier aspects.)

I discussed this work a bit in an interview I did for Between the Wires, but most of it is private to the teams I worked with, since performance can be a tricky subject to talk about publicly. In general, neither browser vendors nor website owners want to shout to the heavens about their performance problems, so to avoid embarrassing both parties, most of the work I did in this area will probably never be public.

Presentation slide saying "you've founda  perf issue," either "website looks bad compared to competitors," or "browser looks bad compared to competitors" with hand-darwn "websites" and browser logos

A slide from a talk I gave at the Edge Web Summit (video link, photo source)

Still, this work (we called it “Performance Clubs”) was one of my favorite parts of working at Microsoft. Being a “performance consultant,” analyzing traces, and reasoning about the interplay between browser architecture and website architecture was something I really enjoyed. It was part education (I gave a lot of impromptu speeches in front of whiteboards!) and part detective work (lots of puzzling over traces, muttering to myself “this thread isn’t supposed to do that!”). But as someone who is fond of both people and technology, I think I was well-suited for the task.

After Microsoft, I’ll continue doing this same sort of work, but in a new context. I’ll be joining Salesforce as a developer working on the Lightning Platform. I’m looking forward to the challenges of building an easy-to-use web framework that doesn’t sacrifice on performance – anticipating the needs of developers as well as the inherent limitations of CPUs, GPUs, memory, storage, and networks.

It will also be fun to apply my knowledge of cross-browser differences to the enterprise space, where developers often don’t have the luxury of saying “just use another browser.” It’s an unforgiving environment to develop in, but those are exactly the kinds of challenges I relish about the web!

For those who follow me mostly for my open-source work, nothing will change with my transition to Salesforce. I intend to continue working on Mastodon- and JavaScript-related projects in my spare time, including Pinafore. In fact, my experience with Pinafore and SvelteJS may pay dividends at my new gig; one of my new coworkers even mentioned SvelteJS as their north star for building a great JavaScript framework. (Seems I may have found my tribe!) Much of my Salesforce work will also be open-source, so I’m looking forward to spending more time back on GitHub as well. (Although perhaps not as intensely as I used to.)

Leaving Microsoft is a bit bittersweet for me. I’m excited by the new challenges, but I’m also going to miss all the talented and passionate people whose company I enjoyed on the Microsoft Edge team. That said, the web is nothing if not a big tent, and there’s plenty of room to work in, on, and around it. To everyone else who loves the web as I do: I’m sure our paths will cross again.

5 responses to this post.

  1. It was a pleasure to work with you for the past few years. Your talent for story telling, web dev prowess and general kindness will serve you well in any role you take on. Don’t be a stranger!


    • It was fantastic working with you too. :) Please keep rockin’ it at the Web Perf Working Group, and help spread the word about Windows Performance Toolkit! If I could go back and change one thing, I would probably try harder to get the tooling and documentation out there in public where people can make better use of it.


  2. Somehow I am just now seeing this post. Nolan – it was a pleasure working with you and I greatly appreciate your passion for the web and for helping folks. I learned a lot from you and can’t wait to see what you do with the lightning framework.


  3. […] contributing to the PouchDB project largely due to burnout, and for various reasons I eventually left my job at Microsoft. In the meantime, I had become enamored of Mastodon and even contributed to it, but I was feeling […]


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