Scrolling the main document is better for performance, accessibility, and usability

When I first wrote Pinafore, I thought pretty deeply about some aspects of the scrolling, but not enough about others.

For instance, I implemented a custom virtual list in Svelte.js, as well as an infinite scroll to add more content as you scroll the timeline. When it came to where to put the scrollable element, though, I didn’t think too hard about it.

Screenshot of Pinafore UI showing a top nav with a scrollable content below

A fixed-position nav plus a scrollable section below. Seems simple, right? I went with what seemed to me like an obvious solution: an absolute-position element below the nav bar, which could be scrolled up and down.

Then Sorin Davidoi opened this issue, pointing out that using the entire document (i.e. the <body>) as the scrolling element would allow mobile browsers to hide the address bar while scrolling down. I wasn’t aware of this, so I went ahead and implemented it.

This indeed allowed the URL bar to gracefully shrink or hide, across a wide range of mobile browsers. Here’s Safari for iOS:

And Chrome for Android:

And Firefox for Android:

As it turned out, though, this fix solved more than just the address bar problem – it also improved the framerate of scrolling in Chrome for Android. This is a longstanding issue in Pinafore that had puzzled me up till now. But with the “document as scroller” change, the framerate is magically improved:

Of course, as the person who wrote one of the more comprehensive analyses of cross-browser scrolling performance, this really shouldn’t have surprised me. My own analysis showed that some browsers (notably Chrome) hadn’t optimized subscrolling to nearly the same degree as main-document scrolling. Somehow, though, I didn’t put two-and-two together and realize that this is why Pinafore’s scrolling was janky in Chrome for Android. (It was fine in Firefox for Android and Safari for iOS, which is also perhaps why I didn’t feel pressed to fix it.)

In retrospect, the Chrome Dev Tools’s “scrolling performance issues” tool should have been enough to tip me off, but I wasn’t sure what to do when it says “repaints on scroll.” Nor did I know that moving the scrolling element to the main document would do the trick. Most of the advice online suggests using will-change: transform, but in this case it didn’t help. (Although in the past, I have found that will-change can improve mobile Chrome’s scrolling in some cases.)

Screenshot of Pinafore with a blue overlay saying "repaints on scroll."

The “repaints on scroll” warning. This is gone now that the scrollable element is the document body.

As if the mobile UI and performance improvements weren’t enough, this change also improved accessibility. When users first open Pinafore, they often want to start scrolling by tapping the “down” or “PageDown” key on the keyboard. However, this doesn’t work if you’re using a subscroller, because unlike the main document, the subscroller isn’t focused by default. So we had to add custom behavior to focus the scrollable element when the page first loads. Once I got rid of the subscroller, though, this code could be removed.

Another nice fix was that it’s no longer necessary to add -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch so that iOS Safari will use smooth scrolling. The main document already scrolls smoothly on iOS.

This subscroller fix may be obvious to more experienced web devs, but to me it was a bit surprising. From a design standpoint, the two options seemed roughly equivalent, and it didn’t occur to me that one or the other would have such a big impact, especially on mobile browsers. Given the difference in performance, accessibility, and usability though, I’ll definitely think harder in the future about exactly which element I want to be the scrollable one.

Note that what I’m not saying in this blog post is that you should avoid subscrollers at all costs. There are some cases where the design absolutely calls for a subscroller, and the fact that Chrome hasn’t optimized for this scenario (whereas other browsers like Firefox, Edge, and Safari have) is a real bug, and I hope they’ll fix it.

However, if the visual design of the page calls for the entire document to be scrollable, then by all means, make the entire document scrollable! And check out document.scrollingElement for a good cross-browser API for managing the scrollTop and scrollHeight.

Update: Steve Genoud points out that there’s an additional benefit to scrolling the main document on iOS: you can tap the status bar to scroll back up to the top. Another usability win!

Update: Michael Howell notes that this technique can cause problems for fragment navigation, e.g. index.html#fragment, because the fixed nav could cover up the target element. Amusingly, I’ve noticed this problem in (where my blog is hosted) if you navigate to a fragment while logged in. I also ran into this in Pinafore in the case of element.scrollIntoView(), which I worked around by updating the scrollTop to account for the nav height right after calling scrollIntoView(true). Good to be aware of!

3 responses to this post.

  1. Great findings!
    You motivated me to rewrite our main application layout, feels so much better now. Thank you.


  2. […] « Scrolling the main document is better for performance, accessibility, and usability […]


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